Page 507 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 507

By the end of this course, students will:
 E1. Law and Careers: describe the educational, training, certification, and other professional requirements for various careers where an understanding of law is important (FOCUS ON: Legal Perspective)
E2. Roles and Responsibilities in the Workplace: analyse the roles and responsibilities of employees, managers, employers, corporations, and governments in the workplace (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Legal Perspective)
E3. Legal Issues in the Workplace: analyse legal issues related to the influence of new technologies, environmental concerns, and national and international events on the workplace (FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Continuity and Change; Interrelationships)
E1. Law and Careers
FOCUS ON: Legal Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
E1.1 describe the educational, financial, and legal requirements for pursuing a variety of careers where an understanding of law is important (e.g., courses, length and cost of programs, certificates, licensing)
Sample questions: “How do the requirements for qualifying as a paralegal differ from those for qualifying as a lawyer?” “What are the prerequisites for a police foundations program?”
E1.2 identify the personal aptitudes and qualities that are needed in different types of careers where an understanding of law is important (e.g., physical requirements, such as performance-based fitness standards for police officers; problem-solving skills; empathy; conflict-resolution skills)
Sample questions: “What are the requirements for being accepted for training as a police officer? How would you rank the requirements in order of importance?” “What attributes are useful for a career as a social worker or children’s
aid worker?”
E1.3 describe the type of work, codes of professional conduct, potential employment opportunities, and potential earnings associated
with various careers where an understanding of law is important (e.g., legal assistant, forensic technologist, game warden, Border Services official, paralegal worker, small business owner, entrepreneur, social worker, court clerk, court interpreter, probation officer, social activist)
Sample question: “What are the responsibilities of various court staff working in a courthouse?”
E1.4 identify law-related reasons why a person might be barred from entering or remaining in a career (e.g., a criminal record, scrutiny by a Special Investigations Unit, loss of professional licence or decertification, removal from office, inappropriate conduct with a client)
Sample questions: “What effect might a criminal record have on a person’s career?” “How would you make a complaint about someone working in the legal system (e.g., police, a lawyer)?”
E2. Roles and Responsibilities in the Workplace
FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Legal Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
E2.1 analyse the roles and responsibilities of unions in the workplace, including their history, purpose, achievements, and limitations (e.g., with reference to workplace health and safety standards, professional standards including
 Legal Studies

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