Page 508 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 508

 Grade 12, College Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
training requirements, economic influence, use of collective bargaining, use of strike action)
Sample questions: “What is a collective agree- ment?” “What roles do union and management play in the grievance process?”
E2.2 analyse the roles and responsibilities of the legislature and judiciary in the creation and implementation of labour and employment protections (e.g., with reference to the Canada Labour Code, the Employment Equity Act, the use of binding arbitration, the use of back-to-work legislation, the Employment Standards Act, designation of an essential service, the process
of collective bargaining)
Sample questions: “Under what circumstances might a government have a responsibility
to intervene in a contract dispute between employers and employees? What types of inter- vention are legally available to governments?” “What legislation is designed to protect workers in non-unionized workplaces? How would you enforce your workplace rights without a union?”
E2.3 describe legal obligations that apply to all Canadians – workers and employers – in the workplace (e.g., requirements to: honour contracts, comply with confidentiality agreements, meet health and safety standards, comply with quality control standards, comply with human rights codes, establish and follow codes of professional conduct and practice, file taxes, contribute to the Canada Pension Plan)
E2.4 analyse the legal roles and responsibilities of employers, companies, and corporations (e.g., with reference to: conflicts of interest such as insider trading, non-discriminatory hiring practices, the Environmental Protection Act, workplace health and safety, transparency and disclosure obligations)
Sample questions: “Do you agree with the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Honda Canada Inc. v. Keays, 2008? Why did the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund and other groups intervene in that case?”
E3. Legal Issues in the Workplace
FOCUS ON: Legal Significance; Continuity and Change; Interrelationships
By the end of this course, students will:
E3.1 analyse legal issues related to the role of new technologies in workplace practices (e.g., need
for safeguards in financial services and medical industries to protect client and patient records from access by unauthorized persons; need for clarification about citizens’ rights related to the use of new technologies in the workplace or police investigations)
Sample questions: “How have new technologies led to more ‘whistleblowing’ or made it more difficult for companies to protect corporate confidential information and ‘trade secrets’?” “What legal actions can a company take against employees who may be using technology inappropriately for personal purposes?” “What are some legal issues raised by the potential use of social media to inform hiring practices (e.g., to acquire information about a candidate that it is not legal to ask for directly)?”
E3.2 explain the impact on the workplace of legal issues related to environmental practices (e.g., health and safety issues related to the handling
of hazardous and other industrial waste or to second-hand smoke or other airborne toxins; security, privacy, and health issues related to
the disposal of electronic devices)
E3.3 analyse the effects of various types of national and international laws on business and employ- ment in Canada (e.g., the effect of border security laws on jobs that depend on cross-border trade; the effect of international trade embargoes on jobs in exporting industries; the impact [actual or potential] on Canadian industries of international boycotts targeting Canadian goods for ethical or environ- mental reasons [seal products, fur,“dirty oil”]; the effect of immigration laws and laws relating to temporary foreign workers on the earnings and job prospects of various types of employees; the role of internal and external trade barriers in protecting specific industries and jobs; the role of free trade agreements in weakening protections for some industries and jobs while expanding opportunities for others)
Sample questions: “What is the purpose of legislation allowing Canadian businesses to hire temporary foreign workers? In what ways might the results positively or negatively affect the economy, businesses, and/or individuals?”

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