Page 20 - Business Studies 9-10 (2006)
P. 20

   Some Considerations for Program Planning in Business Studies
Teachers who are planning a program in business studies must take into account considera- tions in a number of important areas, including those discussed below.
Teaching Approaches
Students learn best when they are engaged in a variety of ways of learning. Business studies courses lend themselves to a wide range of approaches in that they require students to discuss issues, solve problems using applications software, participate in business simulations, conduct research, think critically, work cooperatively, and make business decisions.When students are engaged in active and experiential learning strategies, they tend to retain knowledge for longer periods and to develop meaningful skills.Active and experiential learning strategies also enable students to apply their knowledge and skills to real-life issues and situations.
Some of the teaching and learning strategies that are suitable to material taught in business studies are the use of case studies and simulations, teamwork, brainstorming, mind mapping, problem solving, decision making, independent research, personal reflection, seminar presenta- tions, direct instruction, portfolios, and hands-on applications. In combination, such approaches promote the acquisition of knowledge, foster positive attitudes towards learning, and encour- age students to become lifelong learners.
Teachers must provide a wide range of activities and assignments that encourage mastery of basic concepts and development of inquiry/research skills.To make their programs interesting and relevant, they must help students to relate the knowledge and skills gained to issues and situations in the business world. It is essential to emphasize the relationship of business studies to the world outside the school to help students recognize that what they are studying is not just a school subject but a reality that profoundly affects their lives, their communities, and the world.
Students’ attitudes towards business studies can have a significant effect on their achievement of expectations.Teaching methods and learning activities that encourage students to recognize the value and relevance of what they are learning will go a long way towards motivating students to work and learn effectively. In addition, the diversity of subjects and approaches rep- resented in the business curriculum will allow students to find courses that are well suited to their particular learning styles and interests.
In all courses, consideration should be given to including student conferences, visits from a range of guest speakers with diverse backgrounds and experiences, and trips to local busi- nesses. Students develop a better understanding of various aspects of the study of business when they can see and experience actual examples of what they are studying. Such experi- ences also give them a better appreciation of the unique features of the business communities that affect their daily lives.

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