Page 19 - Business Studies 9-10 (2006)
P. 19

Evaluation and Reporting of Student Achievement
Student achievement must be communicated formally to students and parents by means of the Provincial Report Card, Grades 9–12.The report card provides a record of the student’s achieve- ment of the curriculum expectations in every course, at particular points in the school year or semester, in the form of a percentage grade.The percentage grade represents the quality of the student’s overall achievement of the expectations for the course and reflects the corresponding level of achievement as described in the achievement chart for the discipline.
A final grade is recorded for every course, and a credit is granted and recorded for every course in which the student’s grade is 50% or higher.The final grade for each course in Grades 9–12 will be determined as follows:
• Seventypercentofthegradewillbebasedonevaluationsconductedthroughoutthecourse. This portion of the grade should reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement throughout the course, although special consideration should be given to more recent evi- dence of achievement.
• Thirty per cent of the grade will be based on a final evaluation in the form of an examina- tion, performance, essay, and/or other method of evaluation suitable to the course content and administered towards the end of the course.
Reporting on Demonstrated Learning Skills
The report card provides a record of the learning skills demonstrated by the student in every course, in the following five categories:Works Independently,Teamwork, Organization,Work Habits, and Initiative.The learning skills are evaluated using a four-point scale (E-Excellent, G-Good, S-Satisfactory, N-Needs Improvement).The separate evaluation and reporting of the learning skills in these five areas reflects their critical role in students’ achievement of the curriculum expectations.To the extent possible, the evaluation of learning skills, apart from any that may be included as part of a curriculum expectation in a course, should not be considered in the determination of percentage grades.

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