Page 18 - Business Studies 9-10 (2006)
P. 18

50–59% (Level 1)
60–69% (Level 2)
70–79% (Level 3)
– communicates for different audiences and purposes with considerable effectiveness
– uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with considerable effectiveness
80–100% (Level 4)
  Communication (cont.) Communication for dif-
ferent audiences (e.g., peers, business clients, company supervisor) and purposes (e.g., to inform, to persuade) in oral, visual, and written forms, including elec- tronic forms
Use of conventions, vocabulary, and termi- nology of the discipline in oral, visual, and writ- ten forms, including electronic forms
The student:
– communicates for different audiences and purposes with limited effectiveness
– uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with limited effectiveness
– communicates for different audiences and purposes with some effectiveness
– uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with some effectiveness
– communicates for different audiences and purposes with a high degree of effectiveness
– uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with a high degree of effectiveness
– applies knowledge
and skills in familiar contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
– transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
– makes connections within and between various contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
  Application The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts The student:
 – applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with considerable effectiveness
– transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with considerable effectiveness
– makes connections within and between various contexts with considerable effectiveness
Application of knowledge and skills (e.g., concepts, procedures, processes, use of technology and materials) in familiar contexts
Transfer of knowledge and skills (e.g., choice of tools and software, ethical standards, concepts, procedures, technologies) to new contexts
Making connections within and between various contexts (e.g., connections between business studies and personal experiences, opportunities, social and global challenges and perspectives; cross- curricular and multidis- ciplinary connections)
– applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with limited effectiveness
– transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with limited effectiveness
– makes connections within and between various contexts with limited effectiveness
– applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with some effectiveness
– transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with some effectiveness
– makes connections within and between various contexts with some effectiveness
  Note: A student whose achievement is below 50% at the end of a course will not obtain a credit for the course.

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