Page 21 - Business Studies 9-10 (2006)
P. 21

The complex nature of business today, influenced by the restructuring of the economy, rapid advances in technology, and the globalization of the marketplace, requires that students be given varied opportunities to learn about current business realities and practices. By ensuring that students engage in experiential learning and real-world applications, teachers can help them develop the practical, current business knowledge and skills they need.
The business studies courses outlined in this document have been designed for use throughout the province, and the expectations in them can be adapted to reflect the local business environ- ment.They also take into account the constant changes in technology and the global economy, enabling teachers to develop lessons that are creative, dynamic, and challenging for students. The curriculum expectations encourage the use of business simulations, and information and communication technology.They also focus on employability skills, thereby building a founda- tion for the development of school-to-work transition programs.
The Importance of Current Events in Business Studies
The study of current events should inform the business studies curriculum, enhancing both the relevance and the immediacy of the program. Discussion and incorporation of current events into daily lessons not only stimulates student interest and curiosity but also helps stu- dents connect what they are learning in class with real-world events or situations.The study of current events needs to be thought of not as a separate topic removed from the program but as an effective instructional strategy for implementing many of the expectations found in the curriculum.
The Role of Technology in Business Studies
Information and communication technologies (ICT) provide a range of tools that can signifi- cantly extend and enrich teachers’ instructional strategies and support students’ learning in business studies.These tools include simulations, multimedia resources, databases, spreadsheets, and computer-assisted learning modules.Teachers can use ICT tools and resources both for whole-class instruction and to design programs that meet diverse student needs. Information and communication technologies can also be used to connect students to other schools, at home and abroad, and to bring the global community into the local classroom.
Through Internet websites, students can now access resources held in libraries, archives, public institutions, and private businesses across the country and around the world.They can find the most current information available on topics relevant to all business studies courses. ICT resources allow secondary school students to conduct more far-ranging and authentic research than ever before. Although the Internet is a powerful learning tool, however, all students must be made aware of issues of privacy, safety, and responsible use, as well as of the ways in which the Internet can be used to promote hatred.
Applications such as databases, spreadsheets, word processors, and presentation and multimedia software can be used to enhance student learning in all business studies courses. In the informa- tion and communication technology courses, they are an essential tool for learning. In these courses, students acquire skills in the use of word processing, spreadsheet, database, desktop publishing, website design, and presentation and multimedia software that meet current business standards and that are transferable to other courses as well as to the workplace. Information and communication technologies are integrated into the business studies curriculum in a way that mirrors the dynamic environment in which business is conducted today, creating an authentic and relevant learning environment for students.

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