Page 56 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
P. 56

   Special Education Program
To be completed for each subject/course with modified expectations and/or each alternative program with alternative expectations
Student OEN/MIN: Subject/Course/Alternative Program:
Current Level of Achievement: Current Level of Achievement for Alternative Program:
Prerequisite course (if applicable)
Letter grade/Mark
Curriculum grade level
Annual Program Goal(s): A goal statement describing what the student can reasonably be expected to accomplish by the end of the school year in a particular subject, course, or alternative program.
         Teaching Strategies
(List only those that are particular to the student and specific to the learning expectations)
  Learning Expectations
(List modified/alternative expectations outlining knowledge and/or skills to be assessed, by reporting period. Identify grade level, where appropriate.)
Assessment Methods
(Identify the assessment method to be used for each learning expectation)
The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Resource Guide

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