Page 52 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
P. 52

   Sending and receiving teachers should arrange for the student to tour the new site and to spend some time in the classroom or with special education or guidance staff. At the secondary school level, special education and/or guidance staff can facilitate this process.
A new IEP must be developed when a student begins a new placement. The new placement starts on the student’s first day of attendance in a new spe- cial education program; in most cases, this would be the first day of school in September or the first day of a new semester, but it might also occur in mid-year or mid-semester if there has been a change in placement. When a new IEP is to be developed, the cycle returns to Phase 1 and proceeds through the stages of development, implementation, and monitoring out- lined in this guide.
The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Resource Guide

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