Page 51 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
P. 51

   To ensure that the IEP stored in the OSR is up to date, the working copy of the IEP should replace the filed copy at the end of each school year or semester, or when the student transfers to another school. This will help to keep all partners informed about the most recent adjustments to the IEP and to ensure continuity in programming for the student.
Plan for the Student’s Transition from Elementary to Secondary School, or for a Transfer to Another School
Communication between the student’s current teacher and the receiving teacher is important in order to provide continuity in programming during student transitions from the elementary to the secondary panel or from one school to another. Guidance and special education staff should also be included in the discussions.
The following procedures are recommended for the sending and the receiv- ing teachers:
The sending teacher
The sending teacher(s) should:
• ensure that all current and relevant information is in the student’s OSR (updated IEP, most recent report card, and relevant assessment reports);
• share with the receiving teacher information about successful instruc- tional resources and strategies, required accommodations, strategies used for managing behaviour, the amount of individual help the student received, and so on. (Note: When sharing information about a student, teachers should be mindful of and comply with the privacy requirements mentioned on page 13 of this guide.);
• learn as much as possible about the new program (i.e., at the receiving school) to help prepare the student for the move;
• encourage the student and his or her parents to visit the new setting in advance and, in the case of transition to a secondary school, to meet with the special education department head and guidance staff at the second- ary school.
The receiving teacher
The receiving teacher(s) should:
• review the documents in the student’s OSR, particularly the IEP, the most recent report card, and the IPRC’s statement of decision (if applicable);
• communicate with the student’s previous teachers and support personnel, gathering information that will help in understanding the student’s areas of strength and need and the program requirements. (Note: When gather- ing information about a student, teachers should be mindful of and com- ply with the privacy requirements mentioned on page 13 of this guide.);
• review with the student his or her annual education plan (Grades 7 to 12);
• invite the student to visit the new setting in advance.
  Phase 5: Review and Update the IEP 49

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