Page 49 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
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   Information on student progress in each subject or course that has modified expectations must be recorded on the Provincial Report Card. For an elemen- tary student, the IEP box must be checked and the appropriate statement from the Guide to the Provincial Report Card, Grades 1–8, 1999 must be inserted. The grade or mark should reflect the level of the student’s achievement of the modified learning expectations. For a secondary student, if some of the student’s learning expectations for a course are modified but the student is working towards a credit for the course, it is sufficient simply to check the IEP box. If, however, the student’s learning expectations are modified to such an extent that the principal deems that a credit will not be granted for the course, the IEP box must be checked and the appropriate statement from the Provincial Report Card guide must be inserted. For both elementary and secondary students, it is very important that the teacher’s comments include relevant information about the student’s demonstrated learning of the modi- fied expectations, as well as about next steps for the student with respect to the particular subject or course.
Alternative programs and courses
The student’s achievement of alternative expectations should also be assessed using a variety of assessment methods, and the student should demonstrate learning independently, with the provision of appropriate assessment accom- modations. It is not required, nor is it advisable, for grades or marks to be assigned for the achievement of alternative expectations. Student progress should be reported to parents by means of anecdotal comments on an alter- native report. This alternative report should accompany the Provincial Report Card at the regular reporting times. (Some school boards include a section for reporting on the achievement of alternative expectations in the IEP itself.) The Provincial Report Card must be used to report on the student’s progress in subjects or courses with modified expectations and/or accommodations, at each of the regular reporting periods. A very small number of students who are unable to demonstrate even the most basic literacy or numeracy skills may receive only an alternative report.
  Phase 4: Implement the IEP 47

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