Page 46 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
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    Share the Completed IEP With the Student, Parents, School Staff, and Other Professionals
Once the IEP is developed, the IEP team should ensure that everyone involved with the student is aware of its contents. The team should:
• review various individuals’ responsibilities for implementing and moni- toring the plan;
• ensure that all staff members directly responsible for instruction, as well as parents and the student, have a copy of the IEP.
Put the IEP Into Practice
The classroom teacher and support personnel are directly responsible for implementing the program and services outlined in a student’s IEP. Their responsibilities are outlined below.
Classroom Teachers
Classroom teachers need to be aware of the instructional, environmental, and assessment accommodations that are recorded in the student’s IEP. The teacher should not feel restricted to using only the instructional and environ- mental accommodations listed. As the teacher-student relationship develops, the teacher should explore a variety of strategies that could enhance the stu- dent’s ability to learn, and make note of successful strategies in the student’s IEP. Care must be taken, however, to use only the assessment accommoda- tions listed in the IEP. Teachers should consult the lists of permitted accom- modations for provincial assessments when considering assessment accommodations. Detailed information on the assessment accommodations that are permitted by the EQAO is available at
Accommodations do not change the content of the learning expectations, but they should take into account the student’s preferred learning modality and areas of strength and need, and should provide students with appropriate opportunities to demonstrate their learning. Some accommodations, such as providing a quiet work space or having a scribe record the student’s verba- tim responses, require advance planning.
As with all students, the classroom teacher must monitor the learning- assessment process of students with IEPs carefully, so that ineffective instructional strategies and accommodations can be discontinued and replaced with new ones.
When a classroom teacher is responsible for teaching a subject or course in which a student with an IEP is working towards achieving modified expectations, some additional planning is required. The teacher should
Regulation 181/98, subsec-
tion 6(8), as amended by Ontario Regulation 137/01, requires the principal, within 30 school days after placement of the pupil in the program, to ensure that the plan is com- pleted and a copy of it sent to a parent of the pupil and, where the pupil is age 16 or older,
the pupil.
The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Resource Guide

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