Page 44 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
P. 44

   Parent/student consultation
A form documenting all consultations with parents and the student, if the student is 16 years of age or older, that occur during the IEP development phase must be prepared and attached to the student’s IEP. (A section of the IEP form itself may also be used for this purpose.) The date and the outcome of each consultation must be recorded. (See also p. 43.)
Completion date of the IEP development phase
Regulation 181/98 requires that the IEP be completed within 30 school days of the student’s placement in a special education program. “Placement” will be taken to mean one of the following:
• the first day of a student’s attendance in the new special education pro- gram specified in the IPRC’s statement of decision
• the first day of the new school year or semester in which the student is continuing in a placement subsequent to its confirmation by the annual IPRC review
• the first day of the student’s enrolment in a special education program that he or she begins in mid-year or mid-semester as the result of a change of placement
The thirty-day requirement for completion of an IEP applies to the IEPs of all students, including those who have not been formally identified as excep- tional but who receive a special education program and/or services.
Both the date on which the student begins his or her placement in a special education program and the completion date of the IEP development phase must be recorded on the IEP.
In a semestered secondary school, a new IEP should be developed at the beginning of the second semester if the student is continuing in the place- ment. In such cases, the IEP must be completed within 30 school days of the first day of the second semester.
Principal’s approval
The school principal is legally responsible to ensure that, within 30 school days after placement of the student in a program, an appropriate IEP is com- pleted and a copy sent to the parent and the student, if the student is 16 years
of age or older. The principal must sign the IEP to indicate that the plan:
• has been developed according to ministry standards;
• is based on the student’s learning strengths and needs;
• takes into account any recommendations about special education pro- grams and services made by the IPRC;
• lists accommodations that will be available to the student;
The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Resource Guide

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