Page 16 - Exploring Interprofessional Collaboration and Ethical Leadership
P. 16

Using a Conceptual Framework Within Professional Practice
A conceptual framework is an inquiry tool that can promote dialogue, inquiry and reflection related to collaboration and ethical practice. The conceptual framework that was co-constructed
for interprofessional collaboration and ethical leadership was developed using a consensus workshop process.
An outline of this process is provided to enable practitioners to co-construct their own conceptual frameworks for interprofessional collaboration and ethical practice within their own unique professional contexts. Co-constructing such a conceptual framework helps to develop a shared understanding among colleagues regarding collaboration and ethical practices.
Consensus Workshop
The consensus workshop12is one of many facilitation methodologies developed by the Canadian Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA Canada). It is a dialogic and inquiry oriented group process that focuses on the co-creation of knowledge related to a specific area of professional inquiry.
The goal of a consensus workshop is the co-construction of a conceptual framework that reflects shared understandings
1 For a complete description of this facilitation process, please refer to Stanfield Brian R. The Workshop Book: From Individual Creativity to Group Action. New Society Publishers. British Columbia 2002
related to a specific area of inquiry. The consensus workshop facilitation process ideally enables an organic and dialogue- based creation of a conceptual framework to emerge from the lived experiences and wisdom of participants. As such, it is a democratic process that honours all voices and recognizes how the wisdom of every participant manifested in each of their lived experiences is essential for a deeper collective dialogue, inquiry, reflection, understanding and wisdom.
The following information provides an overview of the consensus workshop process and its application with members of the College of Early Childhood Educators and the Ontario College
of Teachers.
Consensus Workshop Process
At a joint ethical institute on interprofessional collaboration and ethical leadership, members from both Colleges were invited to participate in a consensus workshop that explored the ethical dimensions of interprofessional collaboration. The consensus
workshop facilitation is comprised
of the following processes
outlined on page 14.

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