Page 34 - Ontario First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education Policy Framework
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• Ontario First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework
reduce drop-out rates, and encourage students who have left school to return and complete their diploma requirements. Projects include:
• Skills development
• Student retention
• Alternative pathways to education and training • Behaviour intervention
• Transition program
• Oral language support
Funding also covers a full-time Aboriginal student success coordinator and three research projects being conducted by Lakehead University.
Learning Opportunities Grant (LOG)
• The Learning Opportunities Grant consists of three components:
a Demographic component (which makes up over 80 per cent of the grant’s total funding); a Literacy and Math Outside the School Day component; and a Student Success, Grades 7 to 12, component.
• Aboriginal status is one of five socioeconomic factors used in calculating the Demographic component of LOG.

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