Page 32 - Ontario First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education Policy Framework
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• Ontario First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework
for particular schools that have experienced difficulty in achieving continuous improvement. Several of the schools identified have a significant Aboriginal student population.
• Many of the teaching strategies and resources used in these schools
are specific to the needs of the Aboriginal population, such as focusing on oral language and using resources that reflect Aboriginal cultures.The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat is providing more than 􏰀25 million province-wide to support the implementation of the OFIP initiative.
• The OFIP initiative encompasses the pre-existing Turnaround Teams Program, which has provided support to improve early literacy learning in struggling schools, including several schools and authorities with a high proportion of Aboriginal students.
Lieutenant Governor’s Aboriginal Literacy Camps
• In 2006, the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat provided 􏰀270,000 to support these literacy-based summer camps offered in isolated Northern Ontario Aboriginal communities. Secretariat staff also acted as volunteer instructors in a variety of locations.
Aboriginal-Focused Project Proposals as Part of the Parents Reaching Out Grants for Schools and Parents Reaching Out Grants for Regional/Provincial Projects
• In 2006-07, the ministry launched the Parents Reaching Out Grants
with allocations of 􏰀1 million for school-based projects and 􏰀750,000
for regional and provincial projects. The grants aim to support enhanced parent involvement, with a special focus on reaching out to parents
who experience barriers or challenges to getting involved. Several
strong Aboriginal-specific proposals were submitted for review in
both programs.
• The ministry, through the Parent Engagement Office and the Aboriginal
Education Office, will continue to ensure that appropriate outreach strategies are used to inform schools, school boards, and stakeholders about these programs.
First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Student Information
• There is currently no ministry policy requiring boards to implement Aboriginal student self-identification policies.

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