Page 30 - Ontario First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education Policy Framework
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• Ontario First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework
Curriculum Review
• As part of the curriculum review process, First Nation, Métis, and Inuit content has been integrated into the revised curriculum as appropriate, in consultation with Aboriginal organizations.
• Curriculum review has been completed in social studies (Grades 1-6), history and geography (Grades 7 and 8), Canadian and world studies (Grades 9-12), mathematics (Grade 1-11), Kindergarten, language (Grades 1-8), guidance and career education (Grades 9-12), and business studies (Grades 9-12).
• A resource guide is being developed to support the integration of Aboriginal content in social studies programs.
Native Counsellor Training Program
• The Native Counsellor Training Program was initially established in 1976. After withdrawing its support for the program in 1995, the ministry renewed its funding for the program in 2006.
• The program was established to address the need for Aboriginal Education Counsellors who would provide counselling services to First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students attending elementary and secondary schools both within and outside First Nation communities.
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program in First Nation Secondary Schools
• First Nation students participating in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship
Program (OYAP) now have the same exemption as other OYAP students with respect to wage rates and ratios under the Trade Qualification and Apprenticeship Act (TQAA) and from registration and classroom fees under the TQAA and the Apprenticeship Certification Act.
• One First Nation school, N’bisiing Education Centre, near North Bay, is currently participating in the OYAP program.
Northern Ontario Education Leaders (NOEL): K-6 Literacy Local Initiative
• The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat worked in partnership with
NOEL to implement a collaborative project to achieve equity of outcomes in the area of literacy and to close the achievement gap,

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