Page 4 - Professional Advisory Safety in Learning Environments: Additional Qualifications — Extending Professional Knowledge
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Professional Advisory
Members can access a complete list of additional qualifications on the College web site at
Qualifications in regulation
Most additional qualifications are organized into six schedules – A, B, C, D, E and F – that are part of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation:
• Schedule A: One-session Additional Basic Qualifications courses prepare members
to teach in another division or general education subject area. They also support a teacher’s professional practice by extending skills and knowledge in design, delivery and assessment in the division or subject.
• Schedule B: One-session Additional
Basic Qualifications courses prepare members to teach additional technological education courses. They support a teacher’s professional practice by
adding to technical proficiency and pedagogical knowledge and skill.
• Schedule C: One-session Additional Qualifications courses extend teachers’ knowledge and skills in design and delivery of specific programs. They also support professional practice by preparing teachers for specific roles.
With the introduction of the four academic semester program on September 1, 2015, some members’ certificates may be subject to complementary education course conditions in order to address the duration requirements of the program. A complementary education course is a course chosen by the member
to support methodology coursework. If a member completes a Schedule C course, they will have the option to either: (1) Use the course to fulfill a complementary education course condition on their
certificate or (2) Have the course appear as a qualification on their certificate.
• Schedule D: Three-part specialist courses develop professional knowledge and teaching practice in a particular subject
or in cross or integrated curriculum areas. They enable teachers to explore pedagogy related to a subject area without taking more subject-specific university courses. They also prepare a teacher to assume leadership roles such as co-ordinator or consultant
for a particular course or program.
• Schedule E: One-session honour specialist
courses in general education and one- session honour technological education specialist courses develop leadership
in teaching practice for the design and delivery of particular subject areas. They may allow a teacher to assume leadership roles for particular courses or programs.
• Schedule F: One-session courses
to provide technological education teachers with the opportunity to gain a greater depth of knowledge in their broad-based technology area.
All of the qualifications listed in the Schedules are provided at the end of this advisory.
Some teacher education programs offer preparation for teaching both general education subjects as well as technological education subjects. Members who have completed these programs are able to obtain additional qualifications in general education and technological education subjects, provided various prerequisites are satisfied.
Principal’s Qualifications, Parts 1 and 2, qualify teachers for positions as vice- principals or principals. In addition, the Principal’s Development Course provides opportunities for practising principals and

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