Page 2 - Professional Advisory Safety in Learning Environments: Additional Qualifications — Extending Professional Knowledge
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Professional Advisory
Additional Qualifications:
Extending Professional Knowledge
The Council of the College approved a professional advisory on extending professional knowledge through additional qualifications on March 28, 2008. The Council of the College approved an update to this professional advisory on September 30, 2016 in order to reflect the current additional qualification system.
The intent of this advisory is to clarify for members the purpose of the regulated system of qualifications in a division or subject, commonly referred to as Additional Basic Qualifications (ABQs) and Additional Qualifications (AQs). They play an important role in a teacher’s ongoing professional learning. This advisory is the outcome of an intensive review of teachers’ qualifications by the College, its members and its education partners. Further information on the topics covered in this advisory can be found in Regulation 176/10, Teachers’ Qualifications of the Ontario College of Teachers Act.

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