Page 5 - Professional Advisory Safety in Learning Environments: Additional Qualifications — Extending Professional Knowledge
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vice-principals to explore their roles in greater depth. The Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program qualifies members to serve as supervisory officers.
Expectations of members
Throughout their careers, teachers acquire additional skills and knowledge to take on new assignments and responsibilities.
A change in interests or employment prospects may prompt teachers to add another subject area or division to their qualifications. Changes in technology or in their students’ needs may lead teachers to search out courses that add to their knowledge and support their professional practice. A teacher’s long-term career plan may include acquiring qualifications to support specific leadership roles such as consultant, subject area or program co- ordinator, principal or supervisory officer.
Members are responsible for learning what prerequisites are necessary to enrol in courses or programs and to apply for some jobs. Prerequisites are set out in regulation, but additional qualification course providers may impose additional requirements for entry, such as a stronger subject background or proficiency in the language of study. For example, providers offering ABQs from Schedule A set their own prerequisites for enrolment. Most require at least three full courses in the subject in a postsecondary degree.
Teachers interested in working for a district school board as a subject or program co- ordinator or consultant will find that Regulation 298, Operation of Schools of the Education Act requires the position to be filled by a teacher with a specialist or honour specialist qualification in the relevant field.
The scenarios included as part of this
advisory give examples of what additional qualifications members may acquire in response to particular teaching assignments or in pursuit of a particular professional interest.
Members of the College look for professional learning opportunities that will continually enhance their teaching. For example,
a teacher qualified to teach primary
grades might take the three-part Primary Education course to build on what they learned in initial teacher education.
Here are some examples of the learning opportunities members of the College might choose.
To increase understanding of the unique aspects of the teaching and learning environment
Whether you work in the Catholic system, in
a school in a First Nations community, in a French-language milieu, or in another unique learning environment, AQ courses can provide an orientation to teaching in that environment.
Such courses include Adapting Curriculum for the Catholic School System, Enseignement et Leadership en situation minoritaire, Teaching Cayuga (or another Native
language course), Teaching Combined
Grades or Alternative Education.
To expand the range of subjects one can teach at Intermediate/Senior Division level Teachers with general education qualifications who want to add to the subjects they are qualified to teach can take an Additional
Basic Qualification (ABQ) from Schedule A.
Professional Advisory 5

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