Page 24 - A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession
P. 24

Artist’s Statement - Ethical Standard of Integrity Mohawk Translation - Tyorihwaé:ri Nikarihó:ten
 Yerahstányons Akowén:na:
Yené:ronhskwe’ ne Yotsi’tsíson shiyakoya’tyehnén:’onh tsi yonhwentsyá:te. Wa’ontéweton’ ne akoyén:’a tsyeyà:ta. Ne ó:nen yakotehyá:ronh, akaónha ó:ni wa’ontéweton’ ne tehníhken nek tsi wa’aíhiye’ shihninákerate’. Tsi nón:we na’ontatya’táta’, tyonhéhkwen nè:ne ó:nenhste, ohsahè:ta, táhnon onon’ónsera wa’onthontón:ni’. Akwé:kon tehatihsennakerá:tats nek tsi ó:ya yoteríhonte ne ó:nenhste nè:ne yorihowá:nen.
Yorihowá:nen ne onó:ra. Kaya’tanónhstats niya’té:kon onénha táhnon étho ki ní:yoht wahonnise’kénha. Yotsi’tsíson wa’ón:ton’ ne Yonkhi’sótha Ahsonthenhnéhkha Karáhkwa táhnon shé:kon yonkhiya’takénhas ne kayenthoserakwé:kon.
Shiyotohétstonh tsi rotinenhstayenthókwenh, onó:ra rotinyà:tha’ ahatiratskwen’tón:ni’. Ethò:ne enhatihá:ren’ akwáh nè:ne shá:kat ne wahonnise’kénha. Yoriwató:ken ne onó:ra.
Karihowá:nen yoteríhonte ne onó:ra. Niya’teyohserá:ke, niya’tekahén:tati, niya’tekáhere, niya’tekanénha kaya’tanónhstats táhnon shé:kon yonkwathró:ris tsi niyorihowá:nen ne taetewáthsnye’ne nè:ne akwé:kon yonkwateríhonte.
Skanenhkwén:’onh kahyá:ton kí:ken kayà:tare. È:neken nonká:ti kahyá:ton ne yotsihstohkwarónnyon nè:ne wathró:ris tsi nahò:ten wentó:re ne ayako’nikonrayèn:ta’ne’ táhnon ehtà:ke nonká:ti kahyá:ton ne osahè:ta táhnon onon’ónhsera. Yonkwateryèn:tare tsi yawerenhátye tsi nihotirihò:tens tó:kat ó:ni nikahwatsirò:ten, onó:ra shé:kon kaya’tanónhstats ne onénha.
Inquiry into the Artist’s Statement
 1. Reflect on the role of the corn husk for protecting the integrity of each individual. Inquire into how your integrity is fostered and protected within your professional practice.
2. Identify how the teachings offered in this painting can inform your ethical thinking, understanding and professional practice.
3. Discuss the new insights you gained regarding the ethic of Integrity.
4. Discuss your professional responsibility to honour and respect the integrity of each learner, colleague and family as well as other external supports and/or influences you engage with in your professional practice.
A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession

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