Page 23 - A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession
P. 23

Artist’s Understanding of the Ethical Standard of Integrity
Reflect on the following description of the artist’s painting depicting the ethical standard of Integrity and then respond to the professional inquiry questions:
Artist’s Statement - the Ethical Standard of Integrity
 Honesty, reliability and moral action are embodied in the ethical standard of Integrity. Continual reflection assists members in exercising integrity in their professional commitments and responsibilities.
Sky woman was pregnant when she came to the Earth. Soon she gave birth to her daughter. When her daughter was fully grown she gave birth to twin boys. But the daughter died during childbirth. From her grave grew the plants known as ‘Our sustenance: corn, beans and squash.’ They are all celebrated, however the corn has another teaching that is intrinsic to integrity. The individual corn seeds grow on the cob and each seed is protected by the cornhusk.
Cornhusk is important. It protects the integrity of each individual seed as they grow, and has every year for thousands of years. Sky woman is now our Grandmother Moon and she continues to control the planting and harvesting cycles and the waters. She watches over the gardens that we plant.
After the corn is harvested the husk is pulled back from the cob and while still attached the husk is braided. Strings of braided corn are hung to dry just as they have been for thousands of years over many generations. Cornhusk is reliable.
Honesty, and moral action: That husk has an important, vital responsibility. Protecting the integrity of each seed on each cob, on every stalk, in each field, every season for too many seasons to count, and continues to teach us about the importance of protecting the integrity of everyone and everything that is placed in our care.
This painting depicts a cob of corn. On one side is a celestial symbol, depicting the less tangible part of life, on the other the predictable. Beans and squash complete the trinity known as our sustenance: corn, beans and squash. We are mindful that within all of these external relationships, and personal beliefs, the husk continues to protect the integrity of the corn.
Artist Elizabeth Doxtater
A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession

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