Page 21 - A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession
P. 21

 Kí:ken kayà:tare yonkwana’tónnis tsi nikahwatsirò:ten ne ó:nenhste táhnon Yonkhihsótha Ahsonthenhnéhkha Karáhkwa. Ó:wera, onhwéntsya, karonta’okón:’a táhnon kahnekarónnyon ó:ni kayà:tare nè:ne yorihowá:nen.
Inquiry into the Artist’s Statement
 1. Explore the significance of Grandmother Moon for the ethical responsibilities inherent within teaching and leadership
2. Discuss how the painting of Grandmother Moon can be used to foster trust within the teaching profession.
3. Reflect on the responsibilities associated with Grandmother Moon and the implications for teaching and leadership.
4. Critically explore your own beliefs, assumptions and biases related to the ethic of Trust.
5. Reflect on how you might engage external supports included in a learner’s, colleague’s or family’s life due to special circumstances in a way that would embody Trust in your professional practice.
A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession

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