Page 12 - Creating Pathways to Success
P. 12

 • varied in its methods of delivery: The program employs a wide range of delivery methods in the context of curriculum-related activities and programs, school-wide activities, and activities in the community (see Chapter 5).
• deeply embedded or “infused”: School and community stakeholders work collaboratively to embed education and career/life planning across all subjects, courses, and daily learning activities.
• based on a whole-school approach: School staff, students, parents, and the community are involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the program.
• well-documented: Information about the program is shared on an ongoing basis, in written form, with parents and other stakeholders (see Chapter 6).
• accountable: Program goals are included in school board6 and school improvement plans (e.g., the Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement [BIPSA], the School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement [SIPSA]), and are related to the School Effectiveness Framework (SEF).
  6. The terms school board and board are used in this document to refer to district school boards and to those school authorities that offer elementary and/or secondary school programs.

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