Page 13 - Creating Pathways to Success
P. 13

Program Components and Processes
3.1 Program Structure: The What, Where, and How of Learning
Student learning in the education and career/life planning program takes place through:
• a variety of developmentally appropriate learning activities and programs related to the curriculum (see section 5.1);
• school-wide activities and processes (see section 5.2);
• activities in the community (see section 5.3).
The knowledge and skills that students acquire through the program are organized in a conceptual framework that includes four areas of learning, as outlined in section 3.3, table 1. Students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 will reflect on and capture evidence of their developing knowledge and skills in the four areas of learning in a portfolio called “All About Me” (see section 3.4.1). In Grades 7 to 12, students will document evidence of their learning in an Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) (see section 3.4.2).
Figure 1 provides an overview of what is learned in the program, where it is learned, and how evidence of student learning is gathered.

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