Page 10 - Creating Pathways to Success
P. 10

An Education and Career/Life Planning Program to Support Student Success
2.1 The Vision
Creating Pathways to Success is founded on a vision in which all students leave secondary school with a clear plan for their initial postsecondary destination, whether in apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, or the workplace, and with confidence in their ability to implement, and revise or adapt, their plan throughout their lives as they and the world around them change.
This vision sees students as the architects of their own lives.
2.2 Program Goals
The goals of the education and career/life planning program are to:
• ensure that students develop the knowledge and skills they need to make informed education and career/life choices through the effective application of a four-step inquiry process;
• provide opportunities for this learning both in and outside the classroom;
• engage parents and the broader community in the development,
implementation, and evaluation of the program, to support students in their learning.
To achieve these goals, every elementary and secondary school, under the direction of the principal and with the assistance of key staff and students, will develop, document, implement, and evaluate an education and career/life planning program based on the policies outlined in this document.
2.3 Guiding Beliefs and Principles
The following beliefs and principles underpin the education and career/life planning program outlined in this document.

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