P. 56

Caring and Safe Schools
Taking Action
▪ Boards and schools may already have in place a process for planning and implementing change to improve school culture and address issues of student behaviour. Or they may wish to follow a process similar to the one outlined in the “Sample Implementation Framework” provided in Chapter 2 (see Figure 3, p. 17). Whether at the system, school, or classroom level, such a process would include the following stages:
✦ assessing both school culture and individual students to identify areas for improvement or intervention
✦ interpreting assessment data (gap analysis) to clarify needs
✦ consulting with stakeholders and experts to set goals, expectations, and priorities
✦ identifying appropriate implementation strategies and resources, assigning responsibilities, and setting timelines
✦ tracking to assess progress and results, adjust goals and actions as required, and identify new or emerging needs
A variation on this process is illustrated in Figure 17, which shows how a generic planning template might be used to plan and implement specific interventions – in this case, the use of “restorative practices” – in individual schools or in schools across the system. (A blank copy of this template for use by boards and schools is provided in the Appendix, “Sample Planning Template”.)

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