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  5 Addressing Behavioural Issues Through a Progressive Discipline
he use of progressive discipline in addressing issues of student behaviour flows from and supports the principles and practices of caring and safe schools. Its goal is to enable students to discard inappropriate behaviour
in favour of behaviour that represents a constructive response to the challenges they face. As stated in Chapter 1, Policy/Program Memorandum No. 145 describes progressive discipline as the use of “a continuum of prevention programs, interven- tions, supports and consequences to address inappropriate student behaviour and to build upon strategies that foster positive behaviours. When inappropriate beha- viour occurs, disciplinary measures should be applied within a framework that shifts the focus from one that is solely punitive to one that is both corrective
and supportive. Schools should utilize a range of interventions, supports,
and consequences that are developmentally appropriate and include learning opportunities for reinforcing positive behaviour while helping students to make good choices” (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2009g, p. 3).
As the policy makes clear, a progressive discipline approach has two aspects – promoting positive behaviour and addressing inappropriate behaviour – both of which are discussed in detail in Chapters 2, 3, and 4. In order to implement this approach, boards and schools need to develop policies on progressive discipline that meet the requirements in PPM 145 and that reflect local conditions and the availability of internal and external resources. (School policies must be consistent with board policies.) These policies should provide guidelines and identify procedures to help school leaders and staff:
✦ assess student behaviour and the effectiveness of existing supports and interventions;
✦ develop a response that takes account of mitigating circumstances and other factors
that may have influenced the behaviour.

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