Page 57 - 21st Century Competencies: Foundation Document for Discussion
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Educators play an important role in providing the context for deeper learning, which is supported through new teaching practices that include the following elements (Fullan & Langworthy, 2014):
• The creation and use of new knowledge in the real world
• Learning partnerships between and among students and teachers that
focus on the process of learning
• Access to digital tools and resources both inside and outside of school
Technology is playing more of a role in society as well as in the classroom and can be a powerful tool in enabling deeper learning. However, technology is only effective when used to provide access to richer content, develop stronger teaching practices, make links between classrooms and life, and enable assessments that align with new teaching practices.
Ontario’s renewed vision for education to transform teaching and learning will ensure that students develop the knowledge, skills, and characteristics to become personally successful, economically productive, and actively engaged citizens.
Four goals guide ministry and sector efforts to achieve this vision: • Achieving Excellence
• Ensuring Equity
• Promoting Well-being
• Enhancing Public Confidence
The competencies listed on the next page support the development of learning in all subject areas, including foundational skills in literacy
and numeracy, and apply to both the face-to-face and the online world. (The numbers in parentheses after certain descriptors relate those descriptors to priority areas identified by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada [CMEC], which are shown at the bottom of the page.)
Appendix C 55

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