Page 55 - 21st Century Competencies: Foundation Document for Discussion
P. 55

  Ontario’s Draft
21st Century/Global
(December 2015 − Draft for Discussion)
Achieving Excellence: A Renewed Vision for Education in Ontario
Jurisdictions around the world are exploring how to prepare their students to lead fulfilling lives, be productive contributors in a knowledge economy, and thrive in an information and technology-intensive globalized world. Within this context, Ontario continues to be focused on the province’s core priorities of high levels of student achievement, ensuring equity, promoting well-being, and enhancing confidence in publicly funded education.
In the fall of 2013, individuals and organizations from across the province were consulted on a new vision for education, which included a focus on the skills and knowledge Ontario learners will need in the future. The government received input from representatives both within and outside the education system.
Based on this input, the government developed and released Achieving Excellence: A Renewed Vision for Education in Ontario, which made transforming education a key goal. To support this goal, the government committed to defining and developing measures for higher-order skills, such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and entrepreneurship, or what can be called “21st century competencies”.

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