Page 9 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 9

Figure 1: Grandmother Moon in the Seventh Hour in the Western Sky, painting by Elizabeth Doxtater
Restorative Journey is a valuable resource for Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners. The document was developed through an Indigenous lens and honours our rich culture and worldview, something that is lacking in the current Canadian education system. Elizabeth’s art depicts our culture, ceremonies, and ways of healing that have sustained our resilience from time immemorial.
As a survivor of the Indian Day School Era, it is important to have these types of documents, written by our community people, that guide how our education needs to be delivered.
– Yvonne Bomberry, PhD Candidate Mohawk, Bear Clan,
Six Nations Indian Reserve #40 Grand River Territory
  Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness 1

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