Page 11 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 11

Section 1: Beginning the Journey
 We Gather Our Minds3
    Figure 2: The Ethical Standard of Trust, painting by Elizabeth Doxtater
We send greetings and thanks With our gathered one-mind For our on-going Peace
With all of humankind.
To our Mother the Earth, To the waters that flow,
To corn, beans and squash The sisters – we grow.
To the plants that are fruit To the medicines too,
To the four-legged animals For all that you do.
To the sweet-water maple And all of the trees,
To the birds that we hear,
To the winds and the breeze.
To Grandfather Thunders, To Eldest Brother the Sun, To Grandmother Moon, Our minds are now one.
To the Stars in the night And the teachers who share Integrity, trust
And respect us with care.
To all of Creation
These words are now done But our thanks continue And our minds are now one.
  3 Inspired by the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address
Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness 3

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