Page 7 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 7

Table of Contents
3 Section 1: Beginning the Journey
3 We Gather Our Minds
4 Journey Together
8 Lifting Grief
9 Condolence Poem
10 Tsyoyèn:kwarote Like Smoke that Rises
16 Section 1: Reflective Inquiry
17 Section 2: We are All Treaty Partners
18 Treaty Agreements
23 The Silver Covenant Chain
25 Sewatokwá:’tshera’ (Mohawk language)
Dish With One Spoon Treaty
27 Original Instruction
29 We Come from Matriarchs
32 The Great Peace and Matriarchy
34 Manifestation of Western Education in
Native Communities
39 Section 2: Reflective Inquiry
40 Section 3: Under the Guise of Education
42 Residential Schools & Indian Day Schools: Survivors, Current Learners, and Future Generations
50 Squash Blossom, Six Nations, Grand River 2021
51 A Note to Educational Administrators and Teaching Professionals
54 Inquiry
57 Uncle Louie’s Alarm Clock 59 Section 3: Reflective Inquiry
60 Section 4: Reframing the Discourse of Indigenous Educational Wellness: A Language within a Language
66 Section 4: Reflective Inquiry
67 Section 5: Wellness and Moving Forward
67 Solstice and Storytelling 72 Calls to Action
73 From Where the Fire Burns 74 The Group of Six
77 Elizabeth Doxtater Shares her Cornhusk Dolls
83 Section 5: Reflective Inquiry 86 THE GOOD MIND
87 Closing Address 88 Appendix 1
91 References
                   Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness V

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