Page 5 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 5

Six Nations artist Elizabeth Doxtater
worked in dialogue with members from
Six Nations communities and in friendship with the Ontario College of Teachers (the College) to develop this resource in a way that inspires the ethical pursuit of Indigenous educational wellness.
Ontario is home to six Indigenous language families – Anishinaabek, Onkwehonwe, Mushkegowuk, Lunaape, Inuktitut and Michif, which include more than 18 unique languages and dialects2.
This resource leans toward a Haudenosaunee perspective for several reasons. Key
among them is that the Ontario College of Teachers’ name holds the word “Ontario,”
Voice Perspective
This resource contains historical information, as well as personal and professional provocations, that reflect the voice of Elizabeth Doxtater as both an Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT) and a member of
the Six Nations community. Her words are found in the Voice & Perspectives sections throughout this document.
The writings and images within these pages were done with the best of intentions and not to hurt anyone. Concerns regarding
which translates to “Nice” or “Good Lake”
in Rotinonhsyonni (Mohawk). Kanyatarí:yo (the land of the Good Lake) still holds
the water that Peacemaker travelled on, carrying the message of Skén:nen (Peace), Kahsatsthénshera (Power) and Ka’nikonhrí:yo (Good Mind).
The Haudenosaunee perspective was chosen as a first step, not to be exclusive or exclusionary. It is the College’s intention to work collaboratively with all Indigenous nations within our membership to thoughtfully develop steps that protect the integrity of the teaching profession, Indigenous communities, as well as
the interests and well-being of students.
Elizabeth Doxtater
appropriation have been a key part of our discussions, and Elizabeth has consulted with members of her community and other Haudenosaunee communities on an ongoing basis.
We begin this journey with much care. Please consider taking steps to protect your heart and mind as you review this content.
  *Educators have permission to share and reproduce any content within this resource for educational purposes only.
2 Ontario investing in Indigenous language revitalization
  Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness III

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