Page 72 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 72

Voice Perspective
• Restorative Indigenous Education:
We celebrate Indigenous knowledge, pedagogies, ways of knowing, ways
of celebrating, ways of expressing
and applying that knowledge while no longer living in fear from reprimand
or punishment. This restorative education model offers a tempered learning environment that reflects
true reconciliatory actions and the reemergence of Indigenous knowledge and pedagogies that communities were deprived of for so long.
• Reverse Colonialism: Taking the language and culture of colonialism and using them as tools of empowerment for Indigenous peoples
Elizabeth Doxtater
This is a list of suggested terms as identified in Art of Peace (Doxtater, 2016):
• Coloniocide: putting an end to colonization
• Indigenistance: will replace genocide with Indigenous resistance and resilience
• Indigenous Resilience: will displace Manifest Destiny
• Intergenerational Healing & Intergenerational Survival: will displace intergenerational trauma. Although struggles still exist, we can celebrate our resilience and the strides Indigenous peoples continue to take
• Revillagize: will displace decolonize and is the next step toward healing. The people will have the frame of mind our ancestors had when living in the ancient villages.
• Peace, Power and a Good-mind, sometimes called Righteousness: an expectation of each member of this group. This will counter the current survival tactics associated with lateral violence.
 64 Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness

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