Page 71 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 71

Voice Perspective Elizabeth Doxtater Intergenerational Indigenous Educational
 Healing REVILLAGIZED Wellness Intergenerational Survival COLONIOCIDE
Devillagize Indigenous Resilience INDIGENISTANCE Dissimilation
 Continued... Reframing the Discourse.
Suggested terms for this resource:
• Devillagized: being removed from the village model of life and its related systems of interdependence and cooperative living
• Dissimilation: will displace assimilation, it means that Indigenous individuals will be able to maintain their identity, despite colonialism and while participating in mainstream society.
• Indigenous Educational Wellness: There is opportunity to create space for this initiative. We can work collaboratively to develop an understanding of the relationship between education and wellness, and the historic legislative abuses that our communities continue to heal from. We can use the frame of mind of our ancestors when they were
in the ancient villages. Then we foster understanding that education is a part
of total wellness and reframe Indigenous education discourse using rich Indigenous knowledge and pedagogies.
• Palisade Model: Our message to learners is that we each represent a pillar in the palisade that surrounds our ancient village. Even though we don’t live in
the ancient villages anymore, we can understand they are homelands where we can still carry ourselves with the dignity
of our ancestors. We are responsible for individual contributions to protecting what our ancestors placed in that canoe as part of the Two Row Wampum treaty of eternal peace and friendship: language, culture, ceremony, governance, and territory.
We are also responsible for fulfilling the original instruction “to help the people.”
Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness 63

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