Page 37 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 37

Voice Perspective Elizabeth Doxtater We Come from Matriarchs
     Inspired by the Haudenosaunee Creation Story Figure 18: Otsítsison, Sky-woman, corn husk mixed medium by Elizabeth Doxtater
Sky-woman fell
Through the hole near the tree Tumbled toward earth
When it was covered in sea.
She called out for help
The birds answered her call They brought her on their wings To break gently her fall.
They placed her on
The turtle’s giant shell
She planted strawberry roots on turtle’s back
With tobacco roots as well.
She lived alone for awhile
But Sky-woman soon gave birth She loved and raised her daughter Now there were two women living on the Earth.
Two arrows appeared
When the daughter was grown She asked her mother
If she had known.
The Thunder beings’ visit
And the message he sent Twin boys will be born
As the crossed arrows meant.
In birth, Sky-woman’s daughter Died leaving to grow
Corn, beans and squash,
Our sisters to sow.
 Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness 29

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