Page 35 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 35

Original Instruction
  Figure 17: Starry Night by Lyle Logan, Deer Clan, Seneca Nation, Cattaraugus Territory
In very ancient times, many people in a certain village were given the original instruction to help the people. They were also told to protect the Earth, share the entities on her body, and to give thanks for all those things that help her and all of us to live.
The people were also told to give thanks
for the air and the celestial beings, and to remember we are all connected. The people followed this instruction for many years.
There were young men in one of the old villages that would make sure that all the people had firewood for cooking, warmth, and council. They made sure there was enough water for cooking, drinking, and washing. They would teach the younger men about these important duties for the day when they too would become helpers.
 Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness 27

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