Page 34 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 34

The Dish With One Spoon Treaty (Figure 16) was first established between the original five Haudenosaunee nations. It was based on eternal peace and friendship and
has existed since the ratification of the Great Law approximately 1,000 years ago. It is commonly referenced when sharing of hunting territories between nations
is discussed.
The treaty recognizes the responsibility of everyone to harvest only what is needed and to share what is harvested. The agreement conveys that the Earth provides for everyone, so no one should go hungry.
It also includes the understanding that anyone who benefits from what the Earth provides has a responsibility to care for and protect “all of the entities on her body.” The treaty was extended to include the Anishinaabe nations in 1701. In ancient times, Peacemaker taught Atatárho9 to hunt deer. An annual hunt reinforces the teachings and honours inherent rights that pre-date Canada.
Although some treaty rights were negotiated, the inherent rights of Indigenous peoples existed long before any agreements with Europeans. Newcomers to these shores understood they had an obligation to abide by the Dish with One Spoon Treaty.
 “The inherent rights of Indigenous peoples existed long before any treaty with Europeans”
 9Atatárho was an Onondaga. He was notorious for having a twisted body that emulated his twisted mind. When Atatárho mistook Peacemaker’s reflection as his own, his mind began to straighten and heal. His title continues to hold a unique stature among the circle of title holders within the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
26 Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness

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