Page 32 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 32

On July 4, 2010, Queen Elizabeth II acknowledged the Silver Covenant Chain Treaty by gifting a set of silver bells (Figures 14 and 15) to representatives of the Grand River in Six Nations near Brantford, Ontario.
They were engraved with the words ‘The Silver Chain of Friendship 1710- 2010.’ Symbolic of the councils and treaties that originated between the English colonies in North America and the Iroquois Confederacy...
– (Peter Kuitenbrouwer, National Post July 04, 2010)
We must understand our responsibility
as treaty partners to honour the Silver Covenant Chain agreement. We will move toward a future with care while protecting the integrity of all with mutual respect.
As treaty partners and friends, we rebuild trust. We then bring our best tools and walk forward together.
  Figure 14: Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd. Photo by Roxanna Nazarowicz
Figure 15: Silver Bells. The bells are currently stored in a vault and are brought out for special events. Photo by Roxanna Nazarowicz
  24 Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness

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