Page 38 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 38

Elizabeth Doxtater
Tharonhiawakon and Shawihskara had the job to find,
Names for the plants
And breath for mankind.
The twins had a contest
As they fought to rule day
After many battles Good-minded twin found a way.
Grandmother stepped in
When her grandsons would fight, And now it’s her spirit
That guides us at night.
She visits the women
13 moon-times a year With the promise new life Will always be here.
The waves and the water, The rains and the tides,
It’s her power that guides us; It’s her who decides
When to plant or to harvest, When gardens will grow, The birth of new babies, How high waters will flow.
Sky-woman’s brother, now Our eldest brother the sun The Earth is our mother And our family’s now one.
  Figure 19: Sky-woman Falling, corn husk & mixed medium by Elizabeth Doxtater
 30 Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness

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