Page 233 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12
Additional information can be obtained from the resource services departments of the Provincial Schools.
Demonstration Schools for Students Who Have Severe Learning Disabilities
Although the primary responsibility to provide appropriate educational programs for students with learning disabilities remains with school boards, the ministry recognizes that some students require a residential school setting for a period of time. The Demonstration Schools were established to:
• provide special residential education programs for students between Grades 4 and 11;
• enhance the development of each student’s academic and social skills;
• develop the abilities of the students enrolled to a level that will enable
them to transition back to their local school within the same school year.
The Ministry of Education provides services for children with severe learning disabilities at four Demonstration Schools:
• Amethyst School, London • Centre Jules-Léger, Ottawa • Sagonaska School, Belleville • Trillium School, Milton
Each Demonstration School has an enrolment of not more than forty students. The language of instruction at the Amethyst, Sagonaska, and Trillium Schools is English; at the Centre Jules-Léger, instruction is in French.

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