Page 231 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft
Transportation for students enrolled in Provincial Schools is arranged by school boards or Provincial Schools. Transportation for students enrolled in Demonstration Schools is arranged by Provincial Schools.
Below are brief descriptions of the various types of schools. Contact information for all Provincial and Demonstration Schools in Ontario can be found in Appendix F-2. More information on these schools is also available on the Provincial Schools Branch page of the ministry website.
Provincial Schools for Students Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision or Are Deafblind
The W. Ross Macdonald School in Brantford and the Centre Jules-Léger in Ottawa provide education for students who are blind or have low vision or are deafblind. The language of instruction at the W. Ross Macdonald School is English; at the Centre Jules-Léger, instruction is in French.
The schools, which are also provincial resource centres for visually impaired and deafblind children and youth, provide:
• support to local school boards through consultation and the provision of special learning materials, such as Braille materials, audiotapes, and large-print textbooks;
• professional services and guidance to ministries of education on an interprovincial, cooperative basis.
Programs at these schools:
• are tailored to the needs of the individual student and are designed to help these students learn to live independently in a non-sheltered environment;
• are delivered by specially trained teachers;
• follow the Ontario curriculum developed for all students in the
• offer a full range of courses at the secondary level;
• offer courses in broad-based technology and mobility training;
• are individualized to offer a comprehensive “life skills” program;
• provide home visiting for parents and families of preschool deafblind
children to assist in preparing these children for their future education.

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