Page 209 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft
  expectations that are to be assessed during the second reporting period. These new expectations must be communicated to the student and parents at the start of the second reporting period. The same process is repeated for the third reporting period in elementary and non-semestered secondary schools.
Recording Ongoing Revisions to the IEP
The IEP is a working document. Adjustments to annual program goals, learning expectations, instructional or assessment strategies, individualized equipment, levels of human support, or the transition plan should be
noted in the IEP and shared with both the parent and the student. If certain strategies cease to be effective, it is imperative that the staff working with the student seek out and implement new instructional/assessment strategies and/or other accommodations.
Any changes to the learning expectations for a current reporting period should be made while there is still ample time for the student to prepare for the assessment tasks.
 Store the IEP in the Documentation File of the Ontario Student Record
A student’s IEP must be included in the student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR). This requirement ensures that the student’s relevant assessment data and information about the student’s learning strengths and needs, annual program goals, and learning expectations, as well as the accommodations used to help the student learn, are immediately available to teachers new to working with the student.
To ensure that the IEP stored in the OSR is up to date, the working
copy of the IEP should replace the filed copy at the end of each school year or semester, or when the student transfers to another school. This procedure will help to keep all partners informed about the most recent adjustments to the IEP and to ensure continuity in programming for the student.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, section 8)

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