Page 208 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 208

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP) The Role of Support Personnel
Many alternative programs – for example, in social skills, anger manage- ment, personal care, and orientation/mobility training – benefit from
the involvement of support personnel. Support personnel may include educational assistants, who provide support to classroom teachers by assisting students with learning activities and providing appropriate accommodations as described in the IEP. Planning and providing individual timetables and location scheduling for educational assistants and other support staff is a necessary part of the implementation process.
14. Review and Updating
The results of regular evaluation and monitoring of the student’s achievement and progress towards the goals identified in the IEP may reveal that adjustments are needed in the student’s special education program. If the student is not meeting, or is exceeding, the expectations described in the IEP, the student’s situation must be reviewed to determine the cause. If it is determined that the cause is related to the student’s exceptionality, the IEP must be adjusted. Changes to the IEP may include:
• adjusting the strategies and resources used in instruction, or the level of support the student receives;
• developing new expectations, if learning is proceeding at a faster rate than had been anticipated by the plan;
• breaking expectations down into smaller steps, if learning is proceeding at a slower rate than had been anticipated by the plan.
If revisions to the IEP result in significant changes in the student’s learning expectations and/or in the level of special education accommodations and services to be provided, the parent(s) and the student (if 16 or older) must be consulted before the changes are implemented. Information about such consultations must be recorded on the parent/student consultation form (see section 9).
The date of all revisions to the IEP must be recorded in the IEP.
If the learning expectations for only the first reporting period were included when the IEP was developed, the teacher(s) responsible for teaching each subject or course that has modified expectations and for delivering each alternative program must record in the IEP the learning

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