Page 211 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 211

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft
  Appendix E-1: Standards for Individual
Education Plans (IEPs)
The following table is based on the IEP standards as set out in the policy document Individual Education Plans: Standards for Development, Program Planning, and Implementation (2000).
   Purpose of the Standard
  1. Reason for Developing an IEP
 To identify clearly for parents, school staff, and the Ministry of Education the reason for developing an IEP for the particular student
   2. Student Profile
 To provide essential information about the student that was used to support the decision to provide the special education program and services
 3. The Student’s Strengths and Needs
  To identify the student’s strengths and needs clearly, as the basis on which an appropriate special education program and services are developed
 4. The Special Education Program
      4.1 The Student’s Current Level of Achievement
 To provide a starting point from which to measure the student’s progress towards achieving the learning expectations and annual goals set out in the IEP
 4.2 Annual Program Goals
  To inform the student, parents, and teachers of the goals towards which the student is progressing through the achievement of the learning expectations set out in the IEP
   4.3 Learning Expectations
 To provide a focus for learning that is based on the student’s strengths, needs, and current level of achievement and to clearly identify the knowledge and skills that the student is expected to acquire while working towards his or her annual goals in a particular subject, course, or skill area
 5. Special Education Strategies, Accommodations, and Resources
   To ensure that teachers, parents, and the student clearly understand the range of strategies, accommodations, and resources that will be employed to facilitate the student’s learning

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