Page 198 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 198

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP)
  It is expected (and required, if the student is 16 years of age or older)
that secondary students will be given the opportunity to provide input
in the development of the IEP. However, any student for whom an IEP
is being developed should be consulted to the degree possible. In the information-gathering phase, students should be encouraged to share their perceptions of their learning strengths and needs, their learning styles,
and their interests. This information may be gathered through interviews, discussions, and interest inventories. It may also be collected when students share information they have documented in their All About Me portfolios (in Kindergarten to Grade 6) or Individual Pathways Plans (in Grades 7 through 12).
The nature and extent of a student’s involvement in the IEP process
will vary. However, members of the in-school team should ensure that students understand, to the extent possible, the purpose of their IEP
and how the goals and expectations in the plan are individually tailored, evaluated, reviewed, and updated. It is important for students to be aware that their achievement of the learning expectations will be reflected in their Provincial Report Card. Students need to understand that they can participate in the IEP process and that it is important for them to take an active role in their learning.
The student, to the extent possible:
• helps educators identify his or her learning styles, preferences, strengths, and needs;
• understands what accommodations are to be provided (e.g., individualized teaching and assessment strategies, human support, individualized equipment);
• assists in setting annual program goals and learning expectations;
• demonstrates an understanding of the IEP and works actively to achieve
the goals and expectations contained therein;
• participates in monitoring progress towards goals and maintains
awareness of how grades and/or marks will be generated for the
Provincial Report Card;
• considers the information in his or her All About Me portfolio or
Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) when developing the IEP.

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