Page 197 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 197

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft
  For examples of all the components of a transition plan – specific goals, actions required, person(s) responsible for actions, and timelines – see the transition plans included in the IEP samples that can be found on the Special Education domain of the EduGAINS website.
9. Parent/Student Consultation
 Regulation 181/98 requires the principal to ensure that the parents and the student, if the student is 16 years of age or older, are consulted in the development and review of the student’s IEP, and that a copy of the IEP is provided to the parents and the student on its completion.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsection 6(2))
A form documenting consultations with a parent and the student (if 16
or older) must be prepared and attached to the student’s IEP. (The sample IEP template in Appendix E-2 has a section called “Log of Parent/Student Consultation” for this purpose.) The parent/student consultation form must contain the following information:
• the date of each consultation
• the outcome of each consultation
The parent and the student (if 16 or older) must be asked to sign the form and to indicate whether:
• they were consulted in the development of the IEP; • they declined the opportunity to be consulted;
• they have received a copy of the IEP;
• any comments they provided are noted on the form.
This form should be reserved for information about parent-student-school interactions relating to the student’s IEP, and should not be used to record interactions about other matters.
The Role of the Student and Parents in the Development of the IEP
Students and parents play an invaluable role in the development of the IEP. Open communication and cooperation between home and school will help ensure that both the parents and school staff have similar expectations with respect to the student’s special education program and services.

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