Page 200 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 200

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP)
  • clarifying information as necessary to ensure that parents and the student understand the IEP and the IEP process, as well as related matters, such as the connection between the IEP and the Provincial Report Card.
10. Staff Involvement in Developing the IEP
The school principal is responsible for ensuring that the IEP is developed collaboratively by school and board staff members and others who are familiar with the student. These individuals possess the knowledge and qualifications necessary to develop the most effective plan possible for the student. For more information on this collaborative process, see the section below entitled Establishing a Collaborative Approach for Developing and Implementing the IEP.
Although the IEP is developed collaboratively, the principal is ultimately responsible for each student’s plan. The principal must sign the IEP to indicate his or her assurance that the plan is appropriate to the student’s strengths and needs and that it meets all of the standards outlined in this document.
Each member of the team involved in the development of the IEP must be identified in the IEP. The principal must ensure that, collectively, the educators involved in the development of the IEP:
• have knowledge of the student;
• have knowledge of the Ontario curriculum;
• are qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, special education
programs and services to meet the needs of the exceptional student and other students who are receiving special education programs and/or services and who have an IEP;
• have knowledge of the special education strategies and resources available in the district school board.
In elementary schools, the principal or vice-principal is expected to coordinate and oversee the work of the in-school team, which may include the special education teacher, the classroom teacher(s), and support staff, in developing, monitoring, and reviewing each student’s IEP.
Because of the size and organizational structure of secondary schools, the principal may designate a vice-principal or a staff member to act on her or his behalf in coordinating and overseeing the development of the IEP.

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