Page 188 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 188

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP) Recording Human Resource Services in the IEP
For human resources identified in the IEP, the following information must be recorded:
• the type of service provided
• the date on which the service was initiated
• the planned frequency or intensity of the service
• the location in which the service is provided (i.e., regular classroom,
resource-withdrawal classroom, or special education classroom)
• Youth counsellor, 30 minutes, one day a week, conference room;
• Special education teacher, 40 minutes, 4 to 5 days a week, resource room;
• Educational assistant, 30 minutes, daily, playground;
• Educational assistant, 300 minutes daily of support shared with other students, classroom;
• Educational assistant, approximately 1 hour per day for personal care, in a variety of settings, as required;
• Special education teacher, consultation with classroom teacher(s), minimum once per term.
The types of support services provided by non-board staff should be noted on the IEP, but the recording of specific information, such as frequency and intensity, is not required. (Service plans for non-board staff are drawn up separately and are not included in the IEP.)

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