Page 189 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 189

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft 5.3 Individualized Equipment
This category includes any type or item of equipment or any electronic product or system commercially produced, modified, or custom-made to maintain, increase, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.10 Examples of individualized equipment include the following:
• speech analysers
• FM systems
• print enlargers for students with poor vision
• amplification systems
• computer hardware and software
• individually modified desks or work tables
• adjustable desks or computer tables
• Braille writers
• symbol or letter voice translators
• insulated booth and study carrels
• communication aids, such as speech synthesizers
• positioning devices for sitting, standing, and lying down • other assistive devices or adaptive equipment
Individualized equipment is intended to maintain, increase, or improve the student’s ability to learn and demonstrate learning. (The equipment identified in the IEP should not be limited to the equipment for which boards receive additional funding.)
6. Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting 6.1 Assessment of Student Learning
The student’s progress towards achievement of the curriculum expectations and/or the learning expectations and annual goals identified in the IEP should be monitored and assessed continuously, using the processes of assessment for learning and assessment as learning. (See the Assessing Student Learning section in Part C, for more information on the
10. Information about funding for individualized equipment can be found in Part A of this guide. For more detailed information, see the Ministry of Education’s Special Education Funding Guidelines: Special Equipment Amount (SEA).

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